The One Exercises Your Hip Flexors Need…

Hip flexors feeling tight?

Are you tried of stretching them….and stretching them…..and stretching them?!

There is another way, friends!!!!

Let’s talk about how to build mobility and strength at the same time. Yes, it’s possible!

This is how you can learn to stretch less and improve flexibility.

There are 3 types of exercises for any muscle. We’ll use the bicep (Popeye muscle) as an example

  1. Concentric - where a muscle shortens when it contracts (think bicep curls)

  2. Isometric - where a muscle stays the same length when it contracts (think carrying something heavy)

  3. Eccentric - where a muscle lengthens as it contracts (think slowly lowering down from a pull-up)

Now, most of us do not get much of #3 (eccentric) type exercises and they are GAME CHANGERS FOR CREATING MOBILITY.

So, here’s one you can use for your hip flexors TODAY!

This works by lengthening the hip flexor muscle as it is contracting. Our brain interprets this as permanent flexibility because you’re doing this under load.

Try it today and comment below how it goes for you!


Top Hip Exercises You Need to Know


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