How to Improve Tendonitis without Giving Up Your Workouts

In this 10-minute video, you’ll learn:

1. What Causes Tendon Pain

2. Why Rest, Ice or Ignoring it Rarely Works….especially for Runners and Hikers

3. How Tendons Heal

4. Examples of How Exercise Stimulates Tendon Healing

5. How to Reduce Risk of Tendon Irritation and Injury

    “Take 6 weeks off, rest, ice - and if that doesn’t work, take more time off and let’s try injections or surgery.” 

    Sound familiar?

    Here’s why that’s the worst possible advice for runners and hikers.

    Yep, I said it.

    Research has come a long way in the last 20 years, and here’s why that’s GREAT news for you:

    New research shows the following:

    • Staying active throughout the recovery process (instead of taking multiple weeks off) can actually help you recover faster.

    • Taking more than a few weeks off can actually make you more susceptible to having pain when you try running and hiking again.

    • Many orthopedic injections and surgeries are avoidable.

    • Repeated orthopedic injections can increase your risk of injury with running.

    Want modern, science-based tools to heal tendonitis to get back to your workouts?

    I’m sharing all the deets in this info-packed video. This isn’t your average nerdy PT science, it’s advice you’ll actually use (and understand).

    “Chelsea’s guides are AMAZING! As a medical doctor, I honestly wish medical schools taught the information to students that she dishes out in these things. It’s incredible.” - Lisa

      Preview of what you’ll get!